Thursday, March 31, 2022

International Conference on Analytical and Bio analytical Techniques

 We feel the privilege to announce Ieva Sakinyte from #Vilnius University, Lithuania as a speaker. Join #Bioanalytica2022 on September 05-06.

Join our worth full #lectures from speakers all over the globe.
Drop your abstracts:

#AnalyticalChemistryConferences #BioanalyticalChemistryConferences #AnalyticalTechniquesEvents #AnalyticalandBioanalyticalConferences

Friday, March 4, 2022

Join us at #Bioanalytica2022, you are assured of discovering the latest developments and breakthroughs that are exclusive to your field of work with its scientific sessions.
For more details:

2nd Edition of International Conference on Analytical and Bio analytical Techniques

  Esmeralda Valiente from Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt National Metrology Institute, Germany, joins 2nd Edition of International C...